Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Local Concert For Youngest Poltical Prisoner

Concert For "The Youngest Political Prisoner"

Local musicians will play a Benefit concert on April 25, 2009, at the Spiritual Life Center, 1420 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas NV. 89119, from 7:30 PM - 9:00.

This benefit concert is for The Panchen Lama – Tashi Lhunpo Project Inc. which supports the monastery in exile of the Panchen Lama as recognized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Donations are welcome. Musicians include: Guitarist Robby LeBlanc, Jazz Pianist Melvin Macias, Classical Pianist Master Gavin Bader, Violonist Virtuoso Judith Pinkerton, Bassist Justine Vogel.

April 25 marks the 20th birthday of the missing Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima,once known as “The World’s Youngest Political Prisoner". In 2006, His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, appointed Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tsetan to be the Abbot of the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in exile, India. This appointment is in the absence of the Panchen Lama’s leadership. This monastery needs significant work and updating. There are only 300 monks, about half of whom are children, with inadequate facilities. The assembly hall/temple needs to be rebuilt to accommodate up 1,500 monks. This monasatery is one of the oldest in the Tibetan tradition. All money collected will go to the Panchen Lama - Tashi Lhunpo Project, Inc, a 501(c)3 public charity organization. April 25, 2009 there will be a free/benefit concert to help the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in exile.

The website is: http://www.stringsfortibet.com/ If you have any questions about this event please contact Robby LeBlanc at 702-798-1750 or by email at robbyleblanc@cox.net.



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