Friday, April 17, 2009

The Battle Over Federal Funds

Most states are taking the funds from the federal government being sent to the states for the so-called "stimulus" program being instituted by the Obama Administration. A few, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas and Alaska have resisted saying that they don't want the strings that are attatched to federal dollars.

Looks like Nevada is falling in line to take the Federal dollars. Governor Gibbons plans to sign the paperwork next week to bring an additional $400 billion to Nevada with most of that money being spent on education.

(Remember when Kenny Guinn had a $300 million dollar surplus and returned that money via the auto registration program?)

One wonders how much better off the states would be if they were able to keep their own money to spend as they see fit, instead of sending that money to D.C. only to have a portion of it returned and with mandates on how it must be spent. This news is creating a bit of a battle in Carson City, but with Democrats in control right now, it looks like this battle is pretty much over and the money (that remember, was once ours) is being returned with rules on how it must be spent.



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