Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Forclosed Upon" Pets Looking for a New Home

Las Vegas Pets Examiner
Sheryl Greenblatt

It’s hard to find anyone who has not been, in some way, affected by the current economic state of our country. While people struggle to make house payments, feed their families and keep their heads above water, wonderful local groups are trying to make things easier on the four legged members of society. One such group, Foreclosed Upon Pets Inc. is making a difference in the Las Vegas Valley.

FUPI (rhymes with puppy) was founded in October of 2008. Everett, one of the founders, explained how they got started. “We saw the power of the internet in saving the lives of pets. Information would be gathered about abandoned and homeless dogs and then emailed to a long list of animal lovers throughout the valley. It had great results!” FUPI wanted to take it one step further, turning available pet information distribution into a movement. The Animal Cyber Sanctuary was born. This “cyber sanctuary” assists volunteers in forwarding animal emails, creating and posting adoption flyers and getting the word out about pets that need loving homes.

FUPI has taken a pro-active approach to the homeless pet problem. They offer a place for families, who must relinquish their pets due to economic hardship, to list their animals and find them good homes before the pound ever comes in to play. Re-homing the animal before it ends up in a shelter saves countless lives and countless dollars.

In February of 2009, FUPI became a 501 (c) (3) non profit group. With the rising number of animals affected by foreclosure, FUPI realized that they were going to need a physical residence to house all the pets. In May of this year, they purchased a house (FUPI House) to act as a staging area for the animals before they head out to foster homes or forever homes.




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