Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Importance of a Good "Public Administrator"

In 2006, Bob Nelson died without a will and living trust. For three years, Bob’s property was stuck in probate while his family spent more money in court than the property was worth.

Bob was a close friend of Steve Sanson. After Bob’s death, Steve learned that many families go through the same unnecessary struggle that Bob’s family did, just because they don’t prepare a will or living trust.

This is the backstory behind Steve’s decision to run for the Office of Public Administrator. Steve wants to make sure families have the information they need to take care of their loved ones. Once Steve takes office as the Clark County Public Administrator, he will make sure that every resident in Clark County has the opportunity to learn about wills, probate and living trusts.

While campaigning for the Office of Public Administrator, Steve discovered that the Office currently does not check the legal status of illegal immigrants. After death, illegal immigrants are granted the same rights as American citizens, including burial and property cleanup. This costs the County thousands for each illegal immigrant that dies without a will.

As the only conservative in the race for Public Administrator, Steve is already proposing a law to make citizenship a requirement for eligibility to use the Public Administrator’s services.

Sanson’s republican opponent, Jack Clark, was hand-picked by Harry Reid to run for this Office. The last thing Clark County needs is another Reid-style politician in charge of an already troubled budget.

Steve is a decorated veteran and has been active in republican politics for decades. He is a true, trustworthy conservative with a proven track record of community service and principled values.

Early voting is happening now. Don’t wait for Harry Reid’s candidate to slide in as the Republican nominee. Early voting is easy, fast and convenient so don’t wait! Voting lasts through June 8th.

Vote Steve Sanson as your republican choice for Clark County Public Administrator.

Learn more by visiting



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