Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Call Letters for Channel 3

Catchy slogans RUs

You call it KVBC, I'll call it KSNV----what's in a name?

Actually, a lot is in a name when you're talking about the indentity of a local TV station.

Channel 3 wants to change its call letters (pending FCC approval) from KVBC to KSNV. In case you were wondering the VBC stands for Valley Broadcasting Company, the SNV stands for Southern Nevada.

But---the call letters really won't matter much because they actually want the public to know them as MyNews3. That's their new slogan and new pitch---it's also their new e-mail address.

Channel 8 made the switch a while back when they became 8NewsNow.

Channel 13 is still with the Action News theme, but look for them to change before too long because a) the Action News theme has not really been working in this market, 2) they change their theme often, so it seems close to their time to make another change.

The idea here is that people remember snappy names and slogans long before they could retain call letters--which is absolutely right.

Radio started doing this years ago. Think of Mix 94.1 here in town. Do you know their call letters? Do you care what their call letters are? Of course you don't. For the record, it's KMXB---but you don't really care. All you care about is that it's Mark and Mercedes in the morning, it's great radio and you know where to find it!

It's all about marketing and simple is better.

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