Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nevada's New Congressional Districts? (sort of)

There is great anticipation in Nevada for the 2010 US Census when the new tally will likely give Nevada a new, 4th Congressional District. But....why wait? The White House spent $18 million dollars on a web site to inform citizens of how the "stimulus" dollars were spent to help job growth.

The numbers are there, state by state. Problem is, the numbers are pretty messed up. In nearly every state there are Congressional Districts that do not exist. Currently Nevada has 3 Congressional Districts. This government web site shows that we have 7 Congressional Districts.

Here are the bogus districts and the "results" in those districts.

9th Congressional District; $620,000 spent; 0 jobs created
22nd Congressional District; $754,400 spent; 9 jobs created
25th Congressional District; $15,654 spent; 0 jobs created
32nd Congressional District; $6,324,235 spent; 12 jobs created

You total this up and it shows more than $7.6 million dollars spent for 21 jobs created. But, the problem is, Nevada does not have the Congressional Districts shown on the site. The Obama Administration has said that the numbers are accurate, but mistakes were made with the Districts listed (no duh). Still, questions remain....if the jobs numbers are accurate, how do you spend that much money and get so few jobs? How do you spend $18 million on a web site loaded with inaccurate numbers? How can any of the numbers be trusted from this site if the simple things (like Congressional Districts) cannot be reported accurately?

Here are the Nevada numbers at the link below.



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