Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Cronkite dies at 92

Tough loss tonight with the news of the death of Walter Cronkite at the age of 92.

He accomplished so many things in his life. We are proud here at to be one of only two web sites in the world who have the rights to show the entire broadcast of CBS from Nov. 22, 1962. The day of the JFK assassination.

The broadcast is overwhelming. Take two hours, uninterrupted to watch it. For the first 10 minutes you see a CBS soap opera, then they break into programming with the news of the shooting. Amazingly, they go back to a commercial and back to the soap opera while the audience is left hanging.

It's not until a half hour into the broadcast that you finally see Cronkite. You will learn much about the progression of TV news as you watch this broadcast, you will learn much about the 1960's from this broadcast, and you will learn what it was like to feel that historic day.

Enjoy the broadcast and farewell to a true professional.

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